IL-ACDA All State Show Choir Festival
October 24-26, 2024

We hope your school years are coming to an amazing conclusion!  As you start thinking about next school year, we would love to extend an invitation to you to have your students have a chance to participate in the 2024 IL-ACDA All State Honors Show Choir! This amazing weekend is such an incredible experience and opportunity for you and your students to collaborate with top-notch clinicians and awesomely talented students from all over the state of Illinois. We hope that you will extend this invitation to your fantastic students!


SEPTEMBER 6: Register up to FIVE Treble and FIVE Bass students from your school through this online Google Form.

SEPTEMBER 19: Students must upload their audition videos as unlisted YouTube video links and submit them in a provided Google Form.

SEPTEMBER 23: Directors and students will be notified of acceptance.

OCTOBER 17: Student Participation Fee is due. $125 per student.

OCTOBER 24-26: All State Show Choir Festival @ Mt. Zion High School.

PLEASE pass this on to any directors you know that are not on this list!  Thanks for considering this opportunity for your students and again, feel free to email with any questions or concerns!