Two-Year College Festival
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Festival Location- Geneseo HS Performing Arts Center, 700 N State St, Geneseo, IL 61254
Registration Fee- FREE
Active membership in ACDA normally required for directors to bring an ensemble to an IL-ACDA event. If you are attending an IL-ACDA event for the first time, join us as our guest! You are free to bring your ensemble free of charge.
Join us for this non-competitive performance opportunity dedicated to fostering choral community within two-year community college choirs. Bring your singers to share their song and connect with other community college singers across the state of Illinois. We welcome 13-20 minutes of performed repertoire from each participating choir. Each performing ensemble will receive a professional level video recording free of charge. Ensembles are encouraged to stay for the group sing portion of the festival, during which Dr. Irene Leites (Black Hawk College) will teach by rote Malakatumba by Josu Elberdin (SAB). No advance preparation for the group sing is required.
9:30 am Arrival/Registration
10:00 am Welcome/Group Warm-up
10:20 am Choir Performances
12:00 pm Lunch
- Bring-your-own lunch for students
- Director’s lunch provided
12:30 pm Group Sing
- – Led by Dr. Irene Leites (Black Hawk College)
- – Malakatumba by Josu Elberdin (SAB)
1:00 pm Dismissal
Participation in this festival is free to all performing choirs. Advance registration is required.
Register by November 15, 2023 via this registration form.